God whispers in your soul...........
Swaziland Team 2008-left to right, Tammy Urbina, Teresa Vaughn,
Krista Back, Tom Mulanix, Pastor Dale Woods, Linda Mulanix and Lisa Morel
Wow, my team and I will be leaving for Swaziland in a little more than a week. I am so excited, excited to be blessed with a mission through the Great love of God. God has a plan for each and every one of us, sometimes we forget to let him lead us though, or perhaps we ignore his gentle tapping on our shoulder. A friend of mine has a very funny tag-line on his email, it goes like this......God whispers in your soul and speaks to your mind. Sometimes when you don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at you. It's your choice: Listen to the whisper, or wait for the brick.
I love that saying, for it is so true, and bricks hurt!
Our team is being prepared for this mission by watching movies, documentaries and reading about the horrifying state many people in Africa are in and the hardships they face on a daily basis. It breaks my heart and makes me want to shout to everyone everywhere to help in any way they can. Many of you that are reading this blog have helped make this trip possible for me and I can't thank you enough. You are all part of his great plan. A prayer request has been written by one of our team members and the founder of Compassionate Life Foundation Linda Mulanix. Please pray for this very important mission.
Team Members:
Tom Mulanix, Linda Mulanix, Pastor Dale Woods, Krista Back, Lisa Morel, Tammy Urbina, Teresa Vaughn
Key Dates of The Trip:
Jan. 8th= Tom & Linda Mulanix depart for South Africa & Swaziland (Tom’s return departure Jan.29,
Linda’s return departure Feb. 12th)
Jan. 13th= Pastor Dale departs for South Africa & Swaziland (Pastor Dale’s return departure Jan.31)
Jan. 15th= N.C. Team departs for South Africa & Swaziland (team’s return departure Jan. 25th)
Prayer Requests:
Pray that God would prepare all who are going; physically, spiritually, emotionally for the work He has ordained for them. That they would come to see and love the people of Swaziland as God does.
Praise God for all who’ve come alongside and supported the team financially to make this trip a reality.
Pray for God’s protection and direction over every detail of the trip; travel flights, connections, luggage check-in, hotel reservations & transfers, transportation, etc.
Pray for God’s protection over their families during their time in Africa.
Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those the team will come in contact with; that they’d see Jesus in them in all they do.
Pray that each team member would bring the appropriate clothing, materials, etc. for the trip.
Pray for adequate rest during the long flights and for a good night’s rest in Johannesburg the first night in South Africa.
Pray that God would orchestrate the details and give Tom & Linda wisdom as they interview children for Child Sponsorship, pay school fees, purchase school uniforms, etc. That the needs of the children and their families would be met.
Pray for Linda Mulanix as she begins driver training lessons on Jan. 16th (they drive on the opposite side of the road there). Pray for safety and her ability to learn/adjust quickly.
Pray that the vans (combis) would all function properly and without any problems.
Pray for Kallie & Charmain (directors at El Shaddai Orphanage). For God’s continued protection, provision and wisdom in the work they do with the orphans and widows of Swaziland. Pray for wisdom and God’s provision of land/location/support for El Shaddai II.
Pray that the time spent with the orphans at El Shaddai would be a blessing to the team and the children.
Pray that God would supernaturally equip and enable the team for the work projects they’ll be working on so they could be completed while they’re there.
Pray for the worship time and installation ceremony of the new pastor for the Manzini Free Methodist Church (Sunday Jan. 20th). That the church would be overflowing with people and all there would praise God for His provision. That the body of Christ represented would be unified.
Pray for Vasco, Busisewe and their family. That God would continue to protect, strengthen and use them mightily in the work with the Manzini church and surrounding community. That the N.C. team would be an encouragement, blessing to them.
Pray for the owners and workers at the Emafini Conference Center where the team will be staying. That the love of Christ would encourage and enrich their lives as they interact with the team.
Pray that God would use the times of leisure at the Cultural Village and Hlane Game Preserve to grow everyone’s love for the land and people of Swaziland.
Pray that God would bring physical and spiritual healing and wholeness to the people of Swaziland.
Pray for the King of Swaziland. For his salvation and that God would give him the boldness to live out his faith in front of his people.
Pray that God’s will would be done…and that lives would be transformed.
Pray that God would raise up others to be sent into His harvest field of Swaziland…to carry on the work He has begun.