
Showing posts from September, 2007

Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God!

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” Matthew 28:19 Dear Friends, In the past couple of years there have been many changes in my life and in the lives of those I love. Although most of these changes have been difficult, none can compare to witnessing a young man of only 14 years old lose his battle against cancer. My first question was one that many might ask in this situation. How can God allow for this to happen? I had a really rough time with this one and I believe God sent me an angel in the form of a very good friend of mine. She said, it’s not about “us,” we are here to touch the lives of others. We all have a job to do and when that job is finished we are called home to be with God. Our reward is not here, it is with God in heaven. This forced me to take a look at my life and in doing so I have become closer to God. I have found a church that fits my needs spiritually and I have recently found a strong desire to serve others, especially the individuals that can’t ...